Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The secret of great teachers

Long ago, famous teachers did not go to monthly seminars before they can teach. They did not prepare lesson plans every night or prepare visual aids and powerpoint presentations and sophisticated audiovisual materials to accompany their talk. Yet they were regarded as great and influential teachers of our time. Why, you want to ask. Were they simply lucky to be good at public speaking? I’m talking about how Confucius teach, just one of the many teachers who made their names in our history not just for their teachings but for the way they reach to their audiences. All of these teachers used instructional method so that their followers can better understand and thus follow their teachings. Confucius, in particular, used presentation (or lecture) and demonstration when he teaches. Even today, these modes of instructions are still used. Confucius believes that for his disciples and followers to understand and adopt his teachings, he must live them and be an example. Demonstration is teaching by example, and this was what Confucius did. He also gave lectures, as this was the commonly used instructional method even before. Lectures serve well in sharing information to the audience, relaying history, theories and backgrounds and experiences. A lecture reaches a large number of people at one time. Although lectures are usually a one-way mode of communication, Confucius allows his followers to ask him questions. Through this answer-and-question portion, which Jesus also used when teaching, the followers can gain more insight and feedback from the teacher. Moreover, Confucius believes that through discussion he can reach to every individual he teaches. Aside from this, he knows that each person calls for different instructional approach to learn. Due to this, he used the educational approach in leading his followers towards the good life. Confucius, Jesus and Socrates, just to name a few, saw the importance of these methods for many reasons. Socrates believed in involving his students in a dialogue to argue a point. Jesus engaged his followers in question-and-answer sessions to give and share information. They used demonstration and presentation because they are very effective, evidenced by the many people who accepted their beliefs. These people further grasped their teachings by establishing churches and religions and keeping beliefs to honor their teachers. Just the number of their followers is enough evidence to show that they have maximized the potential of the instructional method they used. As for me, I think demonstration and presentation are very effective, whether in a classroom or domestic setting. Parents lecture their children about many things so that they learn, and they live as examples to their children by living what they preach. Even at school, these methods prove useful because students learn by what they see from their teachers. A survey of the most effective methods for instruction to address academic differences was conducted among teachers. The majority thinks that small group/cooperative learning is the most effective method. Modeling (demonstration) is ranked second, and question and answer, group discussion, individual instruction and lecture are ranked third. The teachers cited reasons why they think the methods are effective. First, learners have the chance to help and learn from each other throughout. This method refers to group discussions, experiments or projects. Then, teachers provide support and provide learning in different and multiple ways. They have the opportunity to share important ideas, give feedback and remediation, and help students to be on track by reinforcing structure and organization. REFERENCE Treat, Alena R., Ying Wang, Rajat Chadha and Michael Hart Dixon. (2006). Major Development in Instructional Technology: Prior to the 20th Century.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bio Sem Mock Research Paper Essay

Abstract: If one was to try to grow corals in order to build up a damaged reef, what would be the most effective, quick way to do it? Coral reefs are always facing hardships from natural and unnatural destructors, causing the percentage of reefs to diminish. Coral reefs have their own, natural, ways of rebuilding but sometimes, things need to be helped along in order to restore the ecosystem. In order for coral to grow, especially in captivity, there must be proper levels of everything. Whether it be, calcium levels, pH levels, or even salt levels, everything has to be perfect, and if there are any imbalances, it could result in devastation to the captive coral population. The results found from the experiment suggest that corals exposed to zooxanthellae with proper nutrition and chemical levels in the water grew the fastest and healthiest. Introduction: Ever since I was little, I was fascinated with everything to do with marine life and I can definitely thank my father for introducing me to the complexities of the underwater world. Corals especially catch my attention because they are not only plants, they are thriving creatures with, what seems to be, minds of their own. The fact that each species have their own specific niches such as being able to collect food by themselves, protect themselves with chemicals, and move on their own is just amazing to me. My interest in coral reefs has led me to want to learn more and maybe someday help protect this staple in underwater ecosystems. My interest in maintaining coral reefs has led me to the question, how does one cultivate corals and/or restore damaged corals in a closed environment to the point of being grown and healthy enough be placed back into the ocean in the fastest amount of time possible? Materials and Methods: Pioneer corals were used in the experiment because when restoring a coral reef, pioneer corals must come first in order to create a basis for the other corals to grow off of. Different aquariums housed the coral, each with different variations of the chemicals needed. There was a constant variable aquarium that contained water most similar to that of the ocean’s and the others had variations such as higher or lower pH levels, added nutrients, and different amounts of sunlight. Results: Discussion: It was found that one of the important factors of a healthy developing coral is the harboring of a photosynthetic dinoflagellate called zooxanthellae. This develops a lining in the coral’s cells that helps produce much of it’s carbon energy needs. Acknowledgements: Literature Cited: Jaap. Coral reef restoration. Florida Marine Research Institute and Lithophyte Research. Ecological engineering 15 345-364. Elsevier. 10 March 2000.

Monday, July 29, 2019

What are global imbalances Did they cause the 2008 crisis Essay

What are global imbalances Did they cause the 2008 crisis - Essay Example Some researchers note that the global imbalances did play a critical role in the 2008 crisis. On the other hand, other researchers note that the global imbalances had little to do with the 2008 crisis. In essence, the economic research paper seeks to demonstrate that global imbalances did not cause the 2008 crisis. It is noteworthy that there were global imbalances between the U.S economy (deficit nation or country) and the Southeast Asian and oil-exporting, as well as European nations (Superavit nations). In the course of understanding the connection between the global imbalances and the 2008 crisis, it is ideal to note the influence of the other economies on the economy of the U.S. In the first instance, it is critical to note that the current surpluses were available in the U.S. financial markets (Caballero et al., 2009). The outcome of the current surpluses was evident in the pushing down of the long-term interest rates, thus the potentiality and ability to promote, as well as engage a credit boom and the real estate bubble. Moreover, there was substantial or significant increase in the risks of the size of the economy involved in the global imbalances, as a sever correction could have had negative implications for the global economy. In the process of evaluating this relationship between global imbalances and the financial crisis, it is critical to assess the implications of two pre-crisis perspectives (Dooley, Folkerts†Landau, & Garber, 2009). First, it is ideal to concentrate on the assessment of the new paradigm. According to this perception, global imbalances provide a new type of global equilibrium which could undergo substantive maintenance over time without necessarily ending in crisis. One of the approaches towards maintenance of the global equilibrium was saving glut rather than the implementation of any policy intervention (Nier

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Answer six questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Answer six questions - Essay Example According to BBC News, the basic reason for its decline is the decrease in male industrial unskilled workers and more female workers in the tertiary sector. Changes in economy have led to this employment structure. Other than that, changes in the labour market such as increased part time work, more females in the workplace and also more self-employed people has also led to a decline in trade union memberships (BBC News, 2000) Other than this, BBC reports that because the UK economy is shifting to the services sector from the manufacturing sector, it is growing. Despite this growth, jobs are being lost in the manufacturing sector because of which membership is decreasing (BBC News, 2000). Another important reason for this decline is Government policy. In 1979, during the 'Winter of Discontent', an opinion poll showed that 82% of the UK population thought that the unions had a lot of power (Ruysseveldt & Visser, 1996). It was almost a threat. To take down this power of the unions, the Government introduced legislations that ultimately resulted in theTrade Union Reform and Employment Rights Acts 1993. Due to this, till 1992, membership density fell by a significant percentage. I think that trade union membership will decline further because like earlier reasons, the labour market structure keeps changing its shape. ... This sounds unpleasant and is likely to cause damage to management-employee relations and also has in the past. Employees need to feel secure in their jobs. This is expected to increase their motivation and commitment to the organisation. And when this commitment is threatened (due to redundancies) and when employees are scared of losing jobs, they must be talked to using the best possible medium. Today, because of technology, managers use media such as email or text messaging to fire people (Gennard, J., Judge, G., 2005). Stunts like these cause damage to the employment relationship. Redundancies are usually made because they are crucial to the profitability and hence, the success of an organisation. However, when it happens, the employees that already work in the organisation feel insecure. To avoid any damage to the employment relationship of these employees, they must be told exactly why the redundancy had to be made, what its result for the organisation will be and how it will benefit the employees that work in that organisation. In other words, proper communication has to take place in a situation like this and that too, through face-to-face. And not through some text message that would threaten workers even more and make them feel alienated. Even workers that are being fired must be explained properly why the action is compulsory for the firm. Any compensation that can be made must be made by the management and if employees need appropriate assistance in the future, they will be given it . Employees should be assured of this. A redundancy program that is inadequately managed leaves the organisation to costly employment board claims and they can damage this organisation's reputation in the business society. A badly reputed

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pay plays a crucial role in motivating people at work. How far do you Essay

Pay plays a crucial role in motivating people at work. How far do you agree, or disagree, with this statement - Essay Example It is all very well to say that money does not matter. Actually it matters unless an individual is living in an island like Robinson Crusoe. If the person has to live in a society, with the ordinary requirements that other people have, he need to have money to have a roof over his head, to feed his family and to fulfil his and their desires and necessities. Hence, it is not possible for any person to live without money and not to appreciate its power over humans. There is nothing wrong in assuming that the most significant place at work is taken by the pay. Without pay no worker would work, unless it is a part time kind of work for charity in which he believes. Even then, he has to earn his living and no charity worker can do voluntary work full time, unless he has some other adequate income coming in. There is an important place for the pay at work and there exists a belief that pay could motivate people at work. I agree with the statement to some extent, but not fully. There are areas like Sales, where keeping people motivated without pay and incentives could be difficult. But it need not apply everywhere. Pay definitely is the source of motivation to do better work and this perhaps depends on the kind of motivation the worker is looking for. No doubt, there is an enormous impact when the minimum wage is increased; but motivation could be connected to many needs and desires. MOTIVATION "Motivation is the force that energises, directs and sustains behaviour" Motivation is connected to Reinforcement Theory, Need Theory and Cognitive theories. Reinforcement could be different things to different people and cannot be applied to all. Need theory has fallen short of expectations and cannot be applied everywhere. "Research has not found much support for the theory and application of the theory to motivate workers in the workplace has fallen short of expectations. The main asset of Maslow's theory is its humanistic appeal: it projects the idea that many human needs are bound up with work, not just the need for a pay cheque as earlier theorists proposed," (ibid). But according to cognitive theories like Equity Theory, etc., workers are motivated by a desire to be treated equitably and fairly, but research shows that this too cannot be a measuring stick. Hence, motivation cannot be generalised easily, because one person's motivation need not be another person's. At the same time, it has to be connected with the organisational behaviour. Organisat ional behaviour is usually a collective behaviour and not an individual one. Just like motivation, organisational behaviour cannot be generalised, because every organisation is unique and the behaviour changes according to the organisation in which the worker is working. As the worker is always a small part of the team, his behaviour will be more of one in the crowd, and not highly individualistic. IMPORTANCE OF SALARY Pay influences people individually and collectively both. Pay perhaps is the most motivating of all the perks, with position following it closely. Money definitely motivates people to a very large extent at work. After all, people work for money and to collect wealth which provides security in life. In addition, it is the visible form of appreciation and the means of saying that his work is worth a lot for the organisation. It gives the

Havisham Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Havisham - Assignment Example Her beautiful mansion of love collapsed and that betrayal led her to make some desperate decisions. When the news struck her like a lightning that her man was gone forever from her life she was wearing only one shoe, and she continued to remain in that condition. She wished to conquer time in her own style by stopping all the clocks in Satis House at twenty minutes to nine, and that was the moment when she received the news of treachery of Compeyson. She literally turned mad and yearned for vendetta. Her adoption of Estella was not an act of love, not to recoup her original mental poise, but to seek revenge on men. She imparted her training to break men’s hearts. She was raised as a weapon, a destructive tool. She failed to grasp the essence of life that in societal terms one lived not only for self but for the sake of near and dear ones in the family and well-wishers. All noble thoughts and ethical standards were swept under the carpet by her in the pursuit of destructivity. She failed to appreciate the intensity of hurt that she was causing to Pip and Estella. Havisham discounts the possibility that there is always scope for advancement in life, notwithstanding the cruel stroke of destiny. One incident, good or bad, does not constitute life. Trials and tribulations are part of life and the world cannot run on happiness alone. With a rigid approach, she shuns societal contacts and prefers self-imposed prison of solitude and speaks in the words of condemnation about the man who betrays her and men in general. Her condition evokes deep sympathy. Words generate from her tongue like the blows of hammer. Havisham has suppressed the tender feelings of love and her heart is filled with poisonous thoughts of negativities. But, after all, she is a woman and her sexual feelings torment her, sadism overtakes her and she lashes out at the male fraternity, Miss Havisham is certainly not responsible for her own misery. The

Friday, July 26, 2019

Go or No-go Decisions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Go or No-go Decisions - Assignment Example Fuzzy-gate concept helps manufacturers know whether they are going in the right direction of new product development or they need some changes or improvements. A firm should make the decisions regarding product development at both stages of the development, which include before development and during development. The reason for before development is that when the firm will be making appropriate decisions before developing the product, it will be able to manufacture right product for the customers. Similarly, when the firm will evaluate its decisions according to the market business during product development, it will be able to achieve desired results from the product. Essay Answer: 2 The techniques, which a company can use to attain speed in a new product project, include proper management of organization, intensifying resource commitments, designing for speed, preparing for rapid manufacturing, and preparing for rapid marketing. The techniques, which can be used in proper managemen t of organization while bringing a new cosmetics division in an established skincare company, include use of a good idea, properly analyzing customers’ demands, encouraging and protecting team, and clearing tracks in shared supporting departments. Similarly, some techniques for intensification of resource commitments include integration of channel members and use of parallel engineering. In case of design for speed, some good techniques include rapid prototyping, computer-aided design, and design-aided manufacturing. In case of preparing for rapid marketing, use of rollouts and facilitating trial purchasing are good options for a firm to attain speed. Some risks included in speed to market approach include improper analysis of the market, improper analysis of the customers’ demands, and development of an improper marketing strategy. Essay Answer: 3 New product ideas hold great importance in the process of new product development. ABC Company needs many ideas to select the best ideas for the product development. The department of new product development should look at the ideas generating from various sources, such as, employees, customers, research and development, competitors, distributors, psychologists, and outside sources. The department can collect valuable information from these sources because all of these sources play an important role in the overall process of product development. Sources, such as, competitors, research and development, employees, and outside sources can make the manufacturers aware of the needs and demands of the market regarding any specific product. Lead users are the people who use the product developed by the company. The role of lad users is very important in the development process because they can give the exact idea regarding what actually is demanded and expected by the intended users of the product. Therefore, manufacturers need to consider the opinion of led users while developing new products in order to ach ieve success in market. Essay Answer: 4 Social responsibility must be a key initiative because it builds a positive image of the brand in the minds of the customers. Being the new product development manager of motorized scooter, I will incorporate social responsibility to protect the environment as much as possible. I will develop an eco-friendly motorized scooter, which will have no noise and pollutant emissions. I will use the concept of green marketing to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

MIH548 - Theory Based Research - Mod 3 SLP Essay

MIH548 - Theory Based Research - Mod 3 SLP - Essay Example Also included are operational variables of BMI and waist circumference as well as physical activity and use of high energy foods (Pietilainany, Kapro, Rasomen, 2001). The variables that were operationalized were BMI, waist circumference, high energy food intake. They set an average BMI over the years of study per age group as well as waist circumference. The last studies of these groups of children were done when they reached the ages of 22-27 years old. Waist circumferences and high energy food intake were also defined along this continuum of study. One of the validity tests that they had to use here was the statistical conclusion validity and the reason for that is because there are many different variables being used. The most important variable to look at here is the use of twin to measure genetic effects on activity and obesity. All of the genetic backgrounds were traced and these twins did meet all of the criteria for a valid study showing that the statistical results were appropriate given the causal nature of the genetic part of the study (Burns & Grove, 2007). Internal validity is about whether this is real world testing and in this case it certainly is as there are definitely real world issues for twins like any other child as far as developing or not developing obesity. Extraneous validity is important also and these children were allowed to live their normal lives with each of the parameters that might affect them tracked and then checked again over the years. In other words it was not set up that one twin would be sedentary while the other was active leading to one that was obese and one that was not. They lived their usual lives and if one was obese, it was determined by the real lifestyle that child led. Mustelin L, Silventoinen K, Pietalainen K. (2009) Physical activity reduces the influence of genetic effects on BMI

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discuss whether there is such a phenomenon as global culture Essay

Discuss whether there is such a phenomenon as global culture - Essay Example The establishment and development of the virtual world has, in return, aided in the process of creating a world of knowledge that is freely available on the internet. This has resulted in a free and smooth distribution of information to masses all over the world. The availability of knowledge and information to people located in various parts of the world has led to the process of evolution of consumer demand. People and masses located in the emerging economies and developing countries are expressing the desire to acquire the same brands of products and services, that are being enjoyed by the people and masses located in the more advanced countries that have developed economies. As a result of the spill over of consumer demand from the developed economies to various undeveloped markets, new markets and new economies are being created. The corporations around the world, in an attempt to attain a significant amount of growth, are focusing on the process of developing the markets, that are located in the emerging economies, by fulfilling the new kind of consumer demand that is starting to evolve in that particular area. Talking with regard to the formation of value chain that is getting developed around the globe on a regular basis, it can be said that in most of the economically emerging regions and countries, the consumers are trying to move up the value chain. It can be said that, in an attempt to create a symbiotic relationship with the consumer demand that is getting formed, the corporations and global companies, that are trying to enter the new markets, are focusing on the process of development of brands that can move down the value chain. By doing so, the global and international companies are trying to form a symbiotic relationship with the customers, wherein the customers’ growing demands are being fulfilled by the companies. Global Culture Overview It can be said that in today’s high-end modern age environment, where the connectivity of th e internet, powered by various high level sophisticated devices like Smart phones, and I-pads, is making significant impact in the lives of the masses around the world, the effect of spill over of information, knowledge and cultural trends cannot be ignored. Talking with regard to spill over of trends, it can be said that the development of a global marketplace, where goods and services are created and delivered to the consumers using various platforms like business to business, business to consumers or even consumers to consumers, has helped in the process of formation of a culture, that is familiar to many consumers irrespective of their presence and distribution in various geographical locations. In brief, it can be rightly stated that the global marketplace is contributing to the formation of a similarity in trends of consumption as well as behavioural patterns of masses all over the world. These similar kinds of behavioural patterns are helping in the process of development and growth of global citizens It can be said that global culture, in very simple terms, represents a variety of more or less similar trends, practices and behaviours which are expressed and displayed by the global citizens. It is necessary to state here that global culture represents a diverse mix of various trends, consumption patterns and styles of living which currently exist in various countries around the world. These diverse trends and consumption patte

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

British Economy from November 2008 to november 2010 Coursework

British Economy from November 2008 to november 2010 - Coursework Example These measures were taken as a part of government’s austerity measures in the wake of rising government debt and the widening budget deficit. Some of the measures taken by the government included increase in Value Added Tax, systematic reduction in the general benefits provided to the people as well as reduction in the government expenditure besides taking other measures to ensure that the different macroeconomic objectives are fulfilled. George Osborne, man behind the recent measures taken by the UK government basically attempted to provide a radical program which can ensure that UK’s overall credit rating is improved amid the talks of country’s bankruptcy owing to mountains of debts which country accumulated over the period of time. In this part of the question, a discussion will be provided regarding the overall success of the measures taken by Bank of England and British Government since 2008 till date. Special emphasis will be on measuring and discussing the impact on growth, price stability, unemployment as well as the balance of payments. At the start of the financial crisis in later part of 2007, British Government, attempted to inject money into the system in order to ensure that the institutions do not fail and that the economy remains on the path of recovery after the decline. Bank of England (BoE) drastically reduced the base interest rate in order to stimulate the consumer spending and generate the required level of demand in the economy. During November 2008, Alistair Darling took radical measures to reduce the VAT however; the overall borrowing by the government was increased. Reduction in VAT was aimed at reducing the general price level and ensuring that the people spend so that employment can be generated and aggregate demand can be increased. However, the steps taken by Labor Government, from November 2008, also involved increasing the national insurance contribution as well as the increase in taxes for higher earning individuals.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Intangible Asset or Liability Essay Example for Free

Intangible Asset or Liability Essay CSR requires organizations to adopt a broader view of its responsibilities that includes not only stockholders, but many other constituencies as well, including employees, suppliers, customers, the local community, local, state, and federal governments, environmental groups, and other special interest groups. Although CSR is often spoken of as if it were a relatively new concept, it is in fact an idea with a long pedigree. In the 1950s, the chief executive officer of the American retailer Sears said that the â€Å"four parties to any business in the order of their importance† were â€Å"customers, employees, community and stockholders†. Current discussions about CSR evoke old questions about the place of corporations in society, the manner in which corporations are governed, and the ways in which corporate governance arrangements do not compel corporations to respond to claims from society, in addition to claims from shareholders. While CSR is an old idea, its emergence as a significant factor in relation to corporate decision-making is relatively new. The old idea – CSR – has been rising over the past 10 years or so to a prominent place on the corporate agenda. The world is witnessing what appears to be a transformation in popular views about the role of business in society that is on a par with major shifts in attitude, at other points in history, about large issues such as racial discrimination, the environment, and the role of women. By the end of that decade, popular opinion about the role of business in society had evolved to a point which suggested a widespread rejection of Friedman’s â€Å"the business of business is business† dictum. The reason for the shift can be attributed to various factors such as; globalization, loss of trust, society activism, and institutional investor interest in CSR. These trends suggest that there is both a growing perception that corporations must be more accountable to society for their actions, and a growing willingness and capacity within society to impose accountability on corporations. This has profound implications for corporate governance. CSR in India With the retreat of the state in economic activity in India, the imperative for business to take up wider social responsibilities is growing. The situation is complex and India is facing a compounded set of corporate responsibility challenges. At all levels, there is a felt need for companies to graduate to strategic interventions in CSR, which at present in many cases remain ad hoc. There are many companies that may spend for long-term development. A sense of strategic direction is a vital component in an effective approach to corporate responsibility. Yet, for all these signs of progress, CSR in India has yet to realize its full potential. Individual and collaborative initiatives continue to be dominated by self-assertion rather than accountability. There is certainly no lack of CSR programs and projects in India: what is absent, however, are clear metrics for evaluating their actual impact in improving social conditions. Many Indian business houses, private sector and public sector companies have undertaken major initiatives till date and have adopted several modes of practice related to CSR in India. Several innovative measures have also been adopted by companies towards the institutionalization of CSR that includes CSR initiatives by Lupin, Cipla, Ranbaxy, NIIT, TCS, BPCL, and Ion Exchange. To understand the current status of CSR in India, it is important first to map out the landscape and identify the main families of corporate responsibility. For long-established industrial dynasties, such as the Birlas and the Tatas, concepts of nation- building and trusteeship have been alive in their operations long before CSR become a popular cause.

Faith Diversity Essay Example for Free

Faith Diversity Essay This paper will look and examine four diverse faiths: Christianity, Buddhism, Rastafarianism and Islam spiritual perspective on healing. In Christianity, prayer is a way that a person can stay healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. Health is viewed by having a strong spiritual relationship with the Lord and living ones life by the word of God. Buddhist need a balance of health both mentally and physically in order to achieve optimal health. They way that they are able to restore health would be by practicing healthy dietary habits or meditation. Rastafarianism view on health as a balance of the mind, the body and the soul achieved with a more holistic approach like prayer and herbal treatments. Lastly, Islam reaches ultimate purity by having a clean body and soul. They must cleanse often and pray often. Religions differ in many ways; they could have a different sacred books, have different deities, or have different views on how to live a full life, ultimately they want the same thing, to have their faiths respected and incorporated into the care they are receiving. Introduction Throughout the world, there are thousands of distinctly different religious affiliations. In the United States alone, there are approximately 313 religions and denominations (All Religions and Denominations in the US, 2008). This paper will examine four diverse faiths Christianity, Buddhism, Rastafarianism and Islam. It will look at the philosophy of these four faiths when having care provided to them. It will specifically look at the spiritual perspective on healing. It will examine the critical components of healing for these faiths. Along with looking at these diverse faiths, this paper will look at what is important for people who are receiving care from health care providers whose views differ from their own. Christianity The Christians were the first people to start the worlds first voluntary charitable institutions which were hospitals (Trangelder, 2007). The reason that they started these hospitals is because they wanted to help the poor and those that were sick and dying (Trangelder, 2007). Health care and Christian belief go hand in hand. One of the most crucial components in healing is prayer. The Christians hold prayer in very high regard. They feel that prayer has the ability to make them better. In the book James 5:14-15(English Standard Version) it states, Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up(Biblegateway, 2001). Along with prayer, the bible mentions many ways that a person can stay healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. Ultimately, the way to stay healthy is by having a strong spiritual relationship with the Lord and living ones life by the word of God. Buddhism The Buddhist has a different holy book then the Christian faith. There sacred book is called Tripitaka. This holy book mentions that the only way to be truly healed is to be healthy in mind and body. Western medicine focuses on curing symptoms to treat medical problems, but the Buddhist see this only as a short term fix. In order for one to be healed one must also treat the spiritual aspect of the disease and its mind-based causes and remedies must be the primary considerations(Buddhism, Medicine, and Health, n. d. ). Buddhist feel that possible reasons for illness or disease would be 1) an imbalance of the four elements (earth, water, fire, and wind), 2) irregular dietary habits, 3) incorrect meditation methods, 4) disturbances by spirits, 5) demon possession, and 6) the force of bad karma (Buddhism, Medicine, and Health, n. d. ). They way that they are able to restore health would be by practicing healthy dietary habits, meditation, paying respect to the Buddha, repentance, reciting mantras, reciting the Buddhas name and using the dharma as medicine (Buddhism, Medicine, and Health, n. d. ). By doing this they would be able to find a balance physical and mentally and find long-term health. Rastafarianism Like the Christians, the Rastafarians sacred text that they pray to is the Bible, but the difference is how it is interpreted. The Rastafarians also feel that the head or God incarnate is Haile Selassie. He was a former Emperor of Ethiopia (Griffith, 2009). In Rastafarianism health care takes a holistic approach to healing; they believe that the concept of health extends to three spheres: the mind, the body and the soul (though sometimes the psychological and spiritual can sometimes be categorized together)(Rastafari and the Environment, 2012). They cure illnesses by use of home remedies or tonics rather than visiting a doctor. Rastafarians disown western influences of ideology, diet, lifestyle and religion in favor of belief systems and practices of African origin, which emphasizes the use of natural ingredients and tools(Rastafari and the Environment, 2012). Islam For the Islam, their sacred text is the Quran. In the Quran, unlike the Christians, Muhammad is the prophet sent to Earth to pass the word of the Lord, Allah. The Muslims feel that good health is one of the ways to get to heaven. In the Quran, it has teachings that show people how to protect his or her health and live life in a state of purity (Muslim Health Network (n. d). The single most important thing for this faith is prayer. Muslims perform it five times a day. The obligatory prayers provide a good means for the circulation of blood, breathing and general suppleness of joints (Muslim Health Network (n. d). Along with prayer they must cleanse after prayer, have a healthy diet, fast and refrain from intoxicates. Despite these religious differences in the United States, peoples only wish is to have their religious views respected and honored if possible. No matter if healthcare providers spiritual beliefs differ from those in their care, patients want their faith to be incorporated into the care that they are receiving. The Christian philosophy as written in the book of Luke 6:31 (English Standard Version) And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them(Biblegateway, n. d. ). This goes in line as all people would like to be treated, no matter how different spiritual views might be. In conclusion, the author learned that although many religions differ ultimately they want the same thing, to have their faith incorporated into the care they are receiving. Religions differ in many ways, they could have a different scared book, have different deities, or have different views on how to live a full life. Medication, chanting or prayer can help achieve inner peace to ultimately reach health inside and out. ? References Biblegateway (2001). James 5:14-15 ESV Is anyone among you sick? Let him call Bible Gateway. Retrieved from http://www. biblegateway. com/passage/? search=James+5%3A14-15version=ESV Biblegateway (n. d. ). Luke 6:31 ESV And as you wish that others would do to Bible Gateway. Retrieved from http://www. biblegateway. com/passage/? search=Luke%206:31version=ESV Buddhism, Medicine, and Health. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. blia. org/english/publications/booklet/pages/37. htm Griffith, J. K. (2009). THE RELIGIOUS ASPECTS OF NURSING CARE (4th ed. ). Vancouver, B. C Muslim Health Network (n. d. ). Islam Health. Retrieved from http://www. muslimhealthnetwork. org/islamandhealth. shtml Tangelder, J. D. (2007). A Christian Perspective on Healthcare. Retrieved from http://www. reformedreflections. ca/faith-and-life/chr-perspective-healthcare. html Rastafari and the Environment (2012). Natural Healing and Medicine. Retrieved from http://caribbeanreligionuvm. wordpress. com/category/natural-healing-and-medicine/

Sunday, July 21, 2019

DHL: Logistics Company For The World

DHL: Logistics Company For The World DHL, being one of the market leaders in the international express, air, ocean freight and road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services, is very well-known for its agility and global network. Following its vision of reaching every part of the world, DHL has set up its own networks as Global and Local Hubs. While Leipzig, Hong Kong and Cincinnati are globally networked, Bangkok, Singapore and Hong Kong function as the local Asian network. DHL Thailand, both being a gateway for import and export shipments and being a hub for transit shipments for the Indo-China countries, has gained its reputation in the business community in Thailand for 30 years. There are more than 70 DHL service locations covering 76 provinces and 9 service centers in the country. All the shipments starting from documents to containers are delivered by 5,300 DHL staff. DHL offers value to its customers by catering services according to their needs. The maximum customer service sat isfaction is guaranteed by its respective expert business divisions (DHL Express, DHL Global Forwarding, DHL Exel Supply Chain) by offering the convenience of one-stop-shop service for logistics solutions. Especially, DHL Thailand has facilitated Thailand exporters and importers by providing supply chain management expertise so that those businesses can focus on their core businesses. DHL having a very good close relationship with Thailand Customs Bureau, having local expertise with global coverage and with the excellent Quality Control Committee (QCC) for crisis management and designing backup plans have helped DHL Thailand to differentiate itself well enough among its competitors. Furthermore, DHL aims to support Thailand economy by facilitating the logistics process, upstream from raw materials to manufacturing, as well as downstream from the production line to store shelves and even further, to any customers all around the world. Key information about the distribution center (Size, Throughput, Types and number of delivery trucks?) DHL Express Bangkok Hub is one of DHLs six Asia Pacific hub that operates on over 12,000 sq. m.located in BFS Warehouse. 9,000 sq. m.of the space is used for warehousing. This space is said to be located in a free zone area. Having a space in this location has helped DHL to do their job efficiently. Previously it was estimated that after touchdown it used to take around 45minutes to ship materials into the conveyer belt but now due to easier access to the vehicle, shipping is done within 5mins after the touchdown. The whole area is installed with 90 surveillance cameras. In Thailand they cover 76 provinces, 38 locations, 1 hub and gateway, 1 office, 27 service points and 9 service centers. They manage 420 commercial flights per week for both inbound and outbound express shipments. DHL Express is capable of handling 4,800 inbound shipment and 3,000 outbound shipment per hour. Annually they manage more than 5.7 million shipments. DHL Express uses a special shuttle trucks for delivery. They have around 140 vehicles, 1 truck for each service center. These trucks are usually outsourced to some other company. Recently a company named Mon Transport Co. Ltd had won the bid for providing DHL with their new trucks for operations. Not all trucks of DHL which we see are outsourced. The trucks used to deliver goods from the service center to the respective customers are company owned vehicles. Only the ones that operate from the hub to the service centers are outsourced. DHL has 4, 6 and 18 wheeled trucks/ lorries. DHL is considered to be the biggest logistic partner who can deliver freight of any kind, to any place via air, ocean, road or rail, but capable of giving its customers the personal attention they need. Question 3: Describe the key operational measurements (or KPIs) at the distribution center and the delivery operations. In the express business, customers consider on-time delivery as an important indicator of quality. That is why DHL has a system to standardize and monitor the processes throughout their entire organization. They determine on-time delivery, analyze delays in individual processes and establish ways to deliver to customers even more quickly. Consistently high quality of service is crucial for a global network operator. DHL has developed an operations performance monitoring system that they use to measure and improve the quality of their services. Reliability and speed are key indicators of the quality of their logistics services. The logistics view is directed horizontally at the flow of goods and contracts, and they require key indicators that include the factor of time. As a result, DHL uses a time-based system of efficiency measurement that complements the measurement approach based on input-output ratios. Hence, DHL has a number of times based KPIs at the distribution center but it was not dealt in depth during the field visit. Few KPIs mentioned during the field trip are as follows: For their Express operation their shipment movement process follows CIA (clean in the air) process. It means that before shipment arrives to their DC all the documents must be cleared. This reduces the time for their delivery operation The other KPI that DHL follows to ensure on-time delivery is that within 5 minutes of the aircraft touching the ground the shipment is loaded to the conveyer in the receiving area. Same day delivery of all shipments is 100% achieved by DHL. The entire process of the arrival of the shipment, the picking, the securing of the cargo, loading, transport and unloading at the destination must be done on the same day. The call center in the DC has its KPI. All calls are received within 10seconds. They have been able to achieve 100% of this KPI. All shipments for a day must reach the service centers by 6:00 PM from their DC. The KPIs for their sustainable program is not covered under this as we were not provided any information on this. Delivery operation in DHL Hub: DHL Express is a division of Deutsche Post providing international express mail services. In our field visit focus was laid on this division, hence, the delivery operations for DHL Express division located in Suvarnabhumi airport is explained in brief: All DHL inbound flights land just outside the DHL DC at 05:00 am and 9:00 pm every day. Some commercial flights may also arrive at other times. Within 5 minutes of the landing containers from the aircraft are downloaded and sent to the unload conveyors. All material travels throughout the facility on conveyor belts though there may be some non-conveyable shipments (NCS). After sorting and inspecting the shipment is transferred to the outbound area from where it is transferred to flights or shuttle trucks to transport it to the final destination service centers from where it is delivered to the customers on the same day. The design of their flow process has allowed DHL to stay very competitive over the years by allowing them to add on to the current hub when it is needed. Every shipment can be tracked and the customer can be notified at all times. Question 4: Are there any sustainability considerations built in their operations? Even though DHL is the global leader in logistics, it still aims to be more sociably responsible by integrating corporate social Responsibility (CSR) into its operations, the society and the environment. To achieve this, DHL, has 3 specific programs called GoGreen, GoHelp and GoTeach, which also support DHLs local projects and initiatives. GoGreen To achieve the strategic goal of Corporate Responsibility, DHL launched GoGreen program in 2008 to handle the climate change problems, and it is the first global logistics service provider that sets the measurable targets on Coà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ efficiency to alleviate the environmental impacts. DHL works on building sustainability into its operations through five key attributes: striving to increase its resource efficiency with the focus on CO2, mobilizing its employees, offering its customers green solutions, being transparent about what it does and preparing for regulatory changes. The first attribute is Increasing Coà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ Efficiency. The scope does not mainly focus on decreasing the carbon footprint throughout the operations and subcontractors, but also includes the pollution, waste, noise, and other impacts that occur in the operations. First, the fleet (air transport, sea transport, and road transport) must be managed efficiently; especially the ground fleet that creates substantial impacts upon the carbon footprint. According to operation site visit, DHL Thailand has set detailed specifications of transport subcontractors to meet the requirements of subcontractor management in sharing the responsibility for carbon footprint. It was claimed that the majority of road vehicles are applicable for CNG consumption. Second, it improves the efficiency of facilities, warehouses, and offices by reducing the consumption affecting the carbon footprint. In addition, DHL Thailand expands the sustainability coverage to its clients by providing alternatives fo r them to use recycle packaging. Mobilizing the Employees is the second attribute which aims to increase the awareness and engage employees in lessening the environmental impacts. To do so, the company can encourage employees to share ideas to improve environmental performance such as energy saving, water saving, and so on. The third attribute is Generating Value by offering customers Green solutions. DHL has developed a large variety of GOGREEN climate-friendly products and services, which are produced using less carbon intensive forms of transport such as sea or rail, or where CO2 emissions are offset by the DHL Carbon Management team. Thus, through DHLs value-added GOGREEN products and services, DHL shares responsibility for tackling climate change. In 2009, DHL introduced the GOGREEN carbon neutral express shipping options in nearly 30 countries and sent more than 700 million shipments GOGREEN. DHL also continued to implement green logistics solutions jointly with its customers. Providing transparency is the 4th attribute. DHL has already set up a Carbon Accounting team and has agreed on the methodology for calculating its footprint in a more structured way, such as by setting up a carbon accounting system linked to its financial accounting system to improve data collation. DHL has also issued guidelines based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the ISO 14064 Standard. Since 2009, DHL is able to provide some CO2 emissions data on a highly accurate level, and its reporting and transparency has been rewarded for entering into the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, with top scores in the environmental ranking. The final attribute is Preparing for regulatory changes. DHL engages with policy makers to help shape regulations that are relevant to its business and its industrys impact on the environment. DHL is a member of the 3C (Combat Climate Change) initiative, which is comprised of business leaders from over 50 global companies who want urgent action on climate change. Through 3C, DHL actively advocates a global framework that supports market-based solutions to climate change. In 2009, DHL developed four global policy positions for its Group: With these positions, DHL addresses a global framework for carbon pricing, industry-driven standards for transparency, incentives for green investments and RD for low-carbon solutions. GoHelp Through its GoHelp program DHL strives to improve peoples living conditions, by using its core logistics expertise and by partnering with the United Nations, DHL provides effective emergency aid in different areas affected by natural disasters and organizes training programs in at-risk regions, in order to prepare for logistics challenges in emergencies. Some core activities include Disaster Response Teams, Disaster preparedness and Partnering with UNICEF. GoTeach Through its GoTeach program, DHL strives to commit to providing better education and equal opportunities for education. Education is a prerequisite for social progress, which is why DHL is promoting and building initiatives that support individuals in their development and expand their skills. This enables them to act responsibly, receive further education or training, and improve their opportunities in the job market. At the same time, DHL improves its ability to attract and retain qualified employees for the company. Observations and Recommendation As much as DHL claims to be a very sustainable company through its sustainability reports, website and advertising; during our field trip, not much was emphasized about its the incorporation of sustainability in its operations and 3 programs of GoGreen, GoHelp and Goteach. With regards to the first attribute of CO2 efficiency, this activity was somewhat seen during the visit, through the campaign notices available in many places such as on the walls and announcement boards. Also we were told that DHL recycles some of its packaging, during our trip to the distribution center. With regards to employee mobilization, during the field trip, when asked about the sustainability, only particular persons were aware about the sustainable operations. For sustainability to be fully integrated in the company, DHL should focus on mobilizing their employees within the company, just like they say they do, so that all will be aware about their sustainability strategies of CO2 efficiency and have the chance to share their ideas. No mention was done about the Green solutions that DHL Express offers to its customers, it would have been interesting to find out more from its employees about the different sustainable services that are offered. Pinjar: Film Review Pinjar: Film Review Pinjar, produced by Lucky Stars Entertainment Ltd. and directed by Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi, is a movie set in the Indian subcontinent where the fight for freedom from the British colonialists is at its climax. The film is based on Amrita Pritams novel of the same name and is a winning attempt at recreating history. Pinjar (meaning cage or skeleton) revolves around the story of Puro, a young girl from a Hindu family living in Amritsar. In search of a suitable bridegroom for their daughter, the family journeys to their village of Chattovani where they settle the marriage of Puro with Ramchand, who is from the village of Rattovall. As per tradition, an exchange must take place and so, Puros brother is engaged to Ramchands sister, Lajjo.  Ã‚  Ã‚   All is bliss for Puro until an unfortunate incident changes her life forever, when she is tragically kidnapped by Rashid, a Muslim man who carries her away on his horse while she is on a trip to the fields. Puro, hysterical and frantic, begs Rashid to return her to her distraught family. Rashid explains that Puros abduction was a result of an ancestral family dispute. Puros ancestors had rendered the Muslim family homeless over a loan default and kidnapped a woman from their house to dishonor them. Rashid was made to swear upon the Holy Quran by his uncle and cousins to avenge their kin and regain their honor. He tells Puro that her family will refuse to accept her now and henceforth, she will always remain an outcast. He confesses that he is remorseful but helpless, and that he has loved Puro since the first moment he laid eyes on her. Puro refuses to believe him and escapes back to her house one night where her hopes are shattered. It is an extremely emotional sight as her own pare nts tell her it is best if she returns else the Muslims would reside to slaughtering their whole family. Furthermore, she has spent the night in another mans house. Nothing can change the fact that she is now a stain on their honor. Hence, Puro returns to Rashid. Back in Rattovall, Ramchand is offered Rajjos (Puros sister) hand in marriage but he refuses on ethical grounds and so Rajjo is married to Ramchands cousin. Puros brother Trilok marries Lajjo as promised. Meanwhile Rashid marries Puro and takes her away to live in Sakkadali. There, she miscarries Rashids child and leads a miserable life. Her arm is forcefully tattooed with the Muslim name Hamida. She continues to dream of her fiancà © Ramchand and even tearfully encounters him in the fields on a trip back to the village. With time she also learns that deep down Rashid is a good man and that his repentance is genuine. At this point politics takes a turn as the partition is announced and riots break out all over. Ramchands village falls in Pakistan and he and his family, excluding a misplaced father, are forced to join a refugee group journeying to India. On the way however, the migrants are attacked by a gang of thugs and Lajjo, Ramchands sister is tragically kidnapped. The group pro ceeds to settle for a night near Sakkadali. Puro visits the camp and meets Ramchand who is distressed and asks for her to look for Lajjo. Puro promises not to let him down. Puro travels from house to house in Rattovall, pretending to be a salesgirl. Finally she manages to find Lajjo, held captive in her own house by Muslims. With the help of Rashid she manages to rescue her and the climax of the movie approaches as Ramchand and Trilok both await at the Wagah border to take Lajjo with them to Hindustan. There is a tearful reunion of two pairs of brother and sister. Trilok embraces Puro and presents her with the choice of returning with him to her relatives, since Ramchand is ready to accept her. It is here that Puro, withstanding the opportunity of a reunion with her family, chooses to remain with Rashid and bids her brother farewell forever. The movie underlines a large number of issues in a non biased way, using the partition theme in its entirety. It depicts the turmoil resulting from the partition, where millions of families were displaced and innumerable women were kidnapped and raped. Hindu-Muslim relations around the tentative period circling 1947 are a chief subject of the film. The large difference of opinion regarding the partition is largely depicted. Pinjar shows that many Hindus and Muslims genuinely believed that they were a stronger force together and that the partition was an attempt to disunite the Indians. Considering the period in which the movie has been set, one also realizes that the communal hatred was largely a manifestation of the patriarchy and had roots too deep in the minds of both Hindu and Muslim men. The enmity was ancestral and was a matter of honor, more for the male community. It was the men of Rashids family who considered it a matter of utmost importance to avenge their ancestors and it was Puros brother who set fire to Rashids crop. All feuds and disputes, it seems, are created and propagated by men. It is here that women become a tool of honor and dishonor and the principle target of all patriarchal games. One such victim is the kidnapped Puro. In a particular moving scene, she asks Rashid how she could possibly be held responsible for a crime her grand-uncle committed. Amidst the partition chaos, Lajjo was prey to similar tragedy, as were hundreds of other girls. Particularly appalling is the scene where Puro is rejected by her family when she returns. The intolerant thinking of the society is all too apparent as the girl is asked to return to her kidnapper. Nothing is above family honor and image. The decisions fate makes are accepted without question. In a certain dialogue, Puro, after hearing the story of a gang raped girl, goes as far as saying that to be born a woman is nothing less than a curse. The society is blindly cruel to those with whom fate is unfair. This attitude changes only when the violence becomes large scale and affects all. When Lajjo says that she cannot return home out of shame, Puro tells her not to worry, since the partition atrocities have opened everyones eyes. People are accepting their kidnapped girls with open arms. It is also apparent that a change of general thinking was also underway at this point in time, especially among the young, as is seen in Trilok, who is an ardent participant of politics and is sometimes even scorned by his father for overly supporting the Congress. Had he been present in the house when Puro had returned, he would surely have not let her go back. He kept the search for his sister alive till the very end. Ramchand is another enlightened youth. A school teacher, he believes all religions to be one in essence, and displays high morality in his willingness to accept Puro as his wife even after her abduction.   While in Sakkadali, Puro sympathizes with a female tramp who roams the village. She has developed an understanding for societal outcasts. Eventually the tramp dies during childbirth as she conceives form rape. Puro adopts and raises the helpless baby but later on is forced to give up the child under pressure of the males of the village council. They claim the baby since he is from a Hindu mother and ignore Puros pleas to keep the infant, making it a matter of religious honor. Certain scenes of the movie show that Hindu Muslim accord was not as unattainable as has generally been perceived. In a depicted anti-partition demonstration, the speaker tells the audience that Hindus and Muslims have been living in one country for decades and there is no reason why they cannot continue to do so. Another interesting character is that of the Muslim Rashid. After the unforgiveable sin he commits, his character unfolds as one of an essentially just and ethical man who is deeply in love with Puro. When his farm is burnt down by her brother, he refuses to take revenge understanding that the act was simply a reaction to a sin he has committed. He pleads in front of the Hindu elders to keep the child his wife has raised and agrees to save Lajjo in an attempt to gain respect in the eyes of Puro. This shows that despite the widespread communal hatred many men were troubled by their conscience and were capable of making moral decisions. The movie depicts the trauma of young Puro with utmost accuracy, great amount of credit going to Urmila Matondkars excellent acting. Her character represents an ill-fated partition-era female. She plays the complete woman, being daughter, sister, wife and mother. However she never accepts her marriage or her life. She is a skeleton, a Pinjar, existing but not living. The climax of the movie shows Puro being offered acceptance back to her family which she dramatically rejects. As to why she did so, that has been left a semi mystery for the viewer. We may assume that that Puro renders essentially feminine behavior, eventually learning to love her husband. She could not muster the courage to be disloyal to a man who had been a good husband for so long. Puro found solace in rescuing Lajjo and is probably incapable of further upheavals in life. She has a husband, a home and is content. She knows where she belongs and her life at this point is beyond repair.   On a lighter note, the movie has beautifully portrayed the bond between parent and child and amongst siblings. The right to the customs, rituals and beliefs of that particular time has been effectively illustrated. The simplicity and familial camaraderie of that eon are nothing less than charming.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Servants in Victorian England Essay -- Victorian Era

Servants in Victorian England Servants were imperative to the functioning of middle and upper class homes in Victorian England. Without the veritable army of servants for the upper and upper-middle classes, women would not be able to live the leisured lives they had grown accustomed, and would certainly not have the time to flaunt their status with neighbor-calling and the numerous balls and social activities. Even most lower-middle and middle-middle classes employed at least one servant, as assistance was almost a necessity in maintaining the home (Roberts 205). For the most part, these servants had an appreciation for their work, with the opportunity to live in an upper class home and have job security, as the alternative was industrial work with unexplained lay-offs and less than desirable, and often unsanitary, living conditions (Margetson 155). The highest classes of families would employ this â€Å"army† of servants, each servant having a specific duty, and providing them all with matching uniforms. For the less wealthy families, a â€Å"maid of all works† was common, where the maid would assist with cleaning, cooking, and raising the children (Roberts 205). In families where many servants were employed, a sort of ranking system occurred, between all of the servants, and even within particular positions. Head butlers, or stewards, were considered higher in ranking than the rest of the servants. The head butler would have managerial responsibilities over the other servants of the home. In the middle, there were valet's, which were the personal assistants to the gentleman, who would clean his clothes, assist him in dressing and in shaving. The lady's maid had similar duties for the woman of the home, mostly assisting in dress... ...g to read the quotes of people telling their experiences of living as a servant versus the people living as a master. Also, here is a link to a picture of the Servant's Hall of a judge's home in Victorian England, to give an idea of the living conditions of servants. Works Cited Kelley, Grace. â€Å"Nineteenth-Century Medicine in the Literal Sense†. 1999. . Margetson, Stella. Victorian High Society. New York: Holmes and Meier Publishers, INC, 1980. Roberts, Adam C. Victorian Culture and Society. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2003. â€Å"Servants' Hall.† The Judges Lodging Museum. . â€Å"The Victorians: The London Townhouse - The Servants.† Romance Ever After. 2001. .

Friday, July 19, 2019

Panama Canal :: essays research papers fc

PANAMA CANAL The canal is joining the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It runs from Cristobal on lemon bay, a part of the Caribbean sea, to Balboa, on the Gulf of Panama. The canal is slightly more than 64 km long, not including the dredged approach channels at either end. The minimum depth is 12.5 m, and the minimum width is 91.5 m. The construction of the canal ranks as one of the greatest engineering works of all time. In history people had interest in a shorter route from the Atlantic to Pacific. This began with the explorers of Central America early in the 16th century. Hernan Cortez was a Spanish conquer of Mexico who suggested a canal across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Other explorers had favored routes through Nicaragua and Darien. The 1st for a canal through the Panama was started by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, Who in 1523 ordered a survey of the isthmus. A working plan for the canal was drawn up as early as 1529, but was shown to the king. In 1534 a Spanish official suggested a canal rout e close to that of the present canal. Later more of the canal plans were suggested but no action was taken upon any of these plans suggested. Later on there is more in the canal. The Spanish government abandoned its interest in the canal but in the early 19th century the books of the German scientist Alexander von Humboldt brang back the interest in the project of the canal, and in 1819 the Spanish government formally authorized the construction of a canal and the creation of a company to build it. Nothing came of this effort, however, and the revolt of the Spanish colonies soon took control of possible canal sites out of Spanish hands . The republics of Central America tried to interest groups in the United States and Europe in building a canal, and it became a subject of perennial debate in the congress of the United States. The discovery of gold in California in 1848 and the rush of would-be miners started the United States interest in digging the canal. Various surveys made betw een 1850 and 1875 indicated that only two routes were practical, the one across Panama and that across Nicaragua. In 1876 an international company was organized. Two years later it obtained a concession from the Colombian government. Panama was then part of Colombia to dig a canal across the isthmus.

Virgin and Child with Four Angels by Gerard David Essay -- Paintings A

Virgin and Child with Four Angels by Gerard David The Virgin and Child with Four Angels was painted by Gerard David in about 1510, right in the middle of the Renaissance. The painting is rectangular in shape and appears to be about two feet long by maybe a foot and a half wide. It is oil painted on wood and it looks to be in very good condition. The painting is an image, as its title suggests, of the Virgin with the infant baby Jesus. This, of course, was a very common subject during the renaissance and for years before and after it. There are countless paintings of the Virgin and Child from that time period, probably because of the power and influence of the church at the time. People were much more involved in the church and, therefore, the subjects they painted or requested to be painted were typically religious themes. Many also felt that by commemorating such religious figures it might even help them gain a spot in heaven. In any case, in this particular version of the Virgin and Child there are also four angels in the scene - two who are flying above the Virgin holding a crown over her heard, and two who are sitting on either side of her playing instruments. Beyond her there is a large archway that opens into a landscape with a view of some grass and trees, some architecture, and some mountains in the far distance. The virgin is wearing a red garb and the baby Jesus is barely draped in some white cloth. That, of course, is a basic description at a quick glance. In examining the painting further, it becomes obvious that this is prime example of Renaissance painting. To begin with, the composition is completely balanced, almost symmetrical. The four angels are placed evenly around the Virgin, with two on each side. On one side an angel plays a harp and is balanced by an angel on the other side, strumming some type of guitar. The two flying above Mary are basically in the same position. Even the church in the background seems to be matched with a mountain in the distance. The columns and archway that border the painting are, in fact, completely symmetrical. And the Virgin and Child are in the center. It is, again, a beautifully balanced composition, typical of the Renaissance. The composition is also completely filled, but not overcrowded. Even with the flying angels, the painting appears rational; ... ...ead, which can also be seen on the wings of both of the angels holding it. Then again, that goldish hugh is seen in the instruments that then angels on both sides of Mary are playing. Blues and greens are used in a balanced manner throughout as well. On one side, the angel playing the harp is dressed in a light blue that is similar to the blue of the sky. The other angel is dressed in green, like the greens used in the trees and grass of the landscape beyond. The way these colors are painted, too, is very much in the style of the Renaissance. There is no visible brushstroke whatsoever. The entire painting is smooth, almost as if it wasn't really painted. This, too, adds to the realistic effect of the painting. The influence of the Italian Renaissance can clearly be seen in this painting by Gerard David. The composition is balanced; illusionism through perspective creates a recession in space; detailed modeling and shading make the painting appear realistic and human; vibrant colors are spread throughout; and a smooth, brushless texture adds to that realistic appearance. This work demonstrates the beauty and detail that was brought to if during the Renaissance.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Using the Symbolic Interaction and the Cybernetics Theory

ST. PAULS UNIVERSITY-NAIROBI CAMPUS NAME: SAKWA M. JAMES ADM NO. : 0915/11 UNIT NAME: THEORIES OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION ASSIGNMENT: REACTION PAPER BASED ON THE MOVIE THE BLINDSIDE USING THE SYMBOLIC INTERACTION AND THE CYBERNETICS THEORY PRESENTED TO: MR. J. NDAVULA Use of Symbolic-Interaction Approach â€Å"Symbolic Interactionism† is a concept developed by, George Hebert Mead (Griffin, 2009). Symbolic Interactionism has three core premises which lead â€Å"to the creation of a person’s self and socialization into a larger community† (Griffin, 2009).It is a framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals. When we use symbolic-interaction theory with this movie we see how Michael is a homeless teenager trying to fit in. We see when he goes to school he struggles to fit in and how he stays quiet throughout the day. You can also use the S. I. theory on how Micheal when he was homeless he had ratty clothes and not many personal belongings. A S. I. theorist would look at Michael and see how he doesn't have a bed and is staying in the Tuohy house on a couch as a symbol of homelessness and poverty.Lastly when using this theory you see how the movie portrays and gives the homeless symbols of run down houses and having drugs and illegal activity going on in the movie. For instance having no bed or personal home for Michael Oher is a symbol of poverty. Perceptions â€Å"Humans act toward people based on the meanings they assign to those people†. Most people within the context of the Blindside seemed to write off Michael Oher. There were some who saw him as a young, African American male who was slow in the head, poorly educated and unkempt.Those would include, at least in the beginning of his time at the private school, most of his teachers and most of the others students. Because they ascribed to Michael their own beliefs, they never gave him a chance to reveal himself. There was an in teresting piece that Michael wrote one day in class where he stated, I look and I see white everywhere. White walls, white floors and a lot of white people. The teachers do not know I have no idea of anything they are talking about. I do not want to listen to anyone especially the teachers.They are giving homework and expecting me to do the problems on my own. I have never done homework in my life. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror and say â€Å"this is not Michael Oher. † There was also the group who wondered why Mrs. Touhy would take in Michael. This group mostly consisted of her tea-time compatriots in the ritzy area of town. They were convinced that what Mrs. Touhy was doing â€Å"was so nice† and asked her if it was another one of those â€Å"charities† of hers. They saw Michael as a one-way recipient of charitable donations.They saw Michael as a tax write-off. Because of their viewpoints, they never could quite understand that Michael was changin g Mrs. Tuohy’s life, and that she loved him. It tells how the Tuohy’s came to reach out to Michael Oher and his life was changed, as was theirs. The movie was filled with excellent acting from all members of the cast with Sandra Bullock leading the way. This is a movie you leave impacted emotionally. The movie does show that it was not just the Tuohy’s involved in changing Michael’s life but many choices along the way.There was â€Å"Big Tony† Henderson, Mrs. Beasly, and Miss Sue all who made choices that helped Michael. Now the reality is that the movie is powerful but the story alters from the facts to fit the director’s vision. The full details of the story can be read in detail in Michael Lewis’s book: The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game. A sampling of the story can be found in a . REFERENCES: Netter,G,Kosove,A. & Johnson,. B(Producers) & Hancock,(Director). (2009) Blind Side: United States:Warner Bro Pictures.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lost in a Forest

Katrina Pham Ms. Leang English 1 HP, period of time 1 3 October 2012 Lost in a Forest Its also dark, Katrina. I cant tick off cried Christopher, my baby cousin-german. Slow exhaust If I lose you, the monsters atomic number 18 going to drink in me whole. I hear him, provided his whimpers neertheless exacerbated the situation, which was already worsening by the second. The solarize had more(prenominal) or less disappeared behind the mountain, and the darkness was speedily claiming the night. Out of instinct, I grabbed his hand and we ran as quickly as we could w here(predicate)ver in that location was a path.Not even in my wildest fancy could I suck in imagined how easily our pleasing afternoon stroll could bow into the scarey experience of my life, the night Christopher and I got baffled in the woods by ourselves. With separately of us and our crazy schedules, summer was the best time for my entire family to unwind and bonk a delightful vacation together. I t was quite a the struggle trying to agree on the perfect destination. I think we should go to Africa and see that fat giraffe I saw on Tumblr, I suggested as my family listened to my silly footinging. Be quiet, weirdo.Deciding because of tumblr is safe foolish. let me and Percian decide, so wed at least(prenominal) allow a better reason, Leon, my 16-year-old brother, retorted binding more or less instantaneously. If you resembling animals so more, what bonnie about going to the brazil-nut treeian virago? at that vexs nice scenery and elegant animals, I think, My 17-year-old brother, Percian, said excitingly. Oh really? kindred thats a better reason I giggled, pointing at Leon. lets hope no matchless gets garbled in that afforest, Percian chuckled and glared at me. Surely, he should fork out knocked on wood after that, but no one could have seen what was in store for us.Nevertheless, it was settled my parents decided to go with Percians idea, and to bring Chris along plot of land his parents were on a business travel. We limped at the Tropical Manaus, a hotel that was just 50 atomic number 19s from the forest. Tropical Manaus had a beautiful puss centered between two portentous buildings, with a coffee shop nearby. The retinue we stayed in had a warm share that re dispositioned us of home. From the patio, you could see a forest of palm trees bordering a stunning yard that housed a miniskirt zoo jam-packed with intensityful parrots, exploitful monkeys, and even frolicking baby leopards. Tropical Manaus was truly an exquisite utilise of the virago.My parents unpacked as I ran to convey Chris. My ma emit for both Leon and Percian to look after me, but they were busy with their birth exploration. Chris tag me just about the lobby, filled with excitement since we knew Brazil would be the perfect place to play hide and seek. We ran and laughed nonstop, as we pitch different places to hide. Caught up in the snatch, I could no n care about any affaire more than our uncomplicated chasing much less realize how furthest we were from our protection of our guardians. And, it was that neglectful and irresponsibility that would die to the greatest terrifying experience of my life. afterwards nearly an hour of playing, Chris and I decided that this was the culture round of hide and seek. So, I ran to find the ultimate screen place. I hid chthonian behind one of the palm trees, and heard my cousins footsteps. Not lacking to get caught by him, I fleetly dashed out from the zoo towards the farther palm tree. Although little did I ack right offledge by then, we were unintentionally running into the Amazon Forest. I vox populi afterwards what a poor job my brothers had done looking for after me. When my cousin and I cooled off, we looked close to for a way can to the hotel.Eventually, no(prenominal) of scenes around appeared familiar. There was a bit when I intellection we had walked into a tangle t hat did not lead you near the final destination even if you strolled bear to your precedent traces. Oh My matinee idol I am so not going to sleep here We got to find our way natural covering originally it is dark, I declared to my cousin. But, the insistent press stud blew the trees back and onward relentlessly, yielding eerie noises and creepy shadows throughout the forest. My cousin looked as lookout man as the fog environ him. My head kept twirling back and forth to search for any hint back to the hotel.We wanted to search back to the place where we growed, but it seemed impossible. I suspected the trees itself for hiding the right path. My cousin and I preoccupied track of time magical spell we circled around the forest like vagabonds. It is already fling disastrous Im sleepy. Lets stop whatsoeverwhere and sleep, Chris whined. ar you crazy? Sleeping in the philia of a forest? Bugs will gaminess without mercy Whatever, youre just all over cerebration it bec ause youre scared of animals and insects We walked around nowhere until the discord work of the night creatures began soon after the sky became whole dark blue.The cacophony of the birds could make me stay up all night. I told myself as yet people symbolize birds, their singings are not even delicately close to a harmony. I could still see the animals flawlessly flying above the sky all to end their day or to start it. It was quite bizarre to manage that birds never stop for one moment and pondered how alluring their home is. About an hour later, we stopped to rest on the biggest tree we could find, since it offered more protection. The tree was probably a deoxycytidine monophosphate feet in height, and each branch was as massive as a big bed.I helped Chris climb up to the tenth branch, time I climbed after, afraid that I mogul lose balance and fall from such(prenominal) height. My stomach growled angrily and my throat left completely dry. For some time, I plan I was abo ut to die from thirst and dehydration, not counting numerous deadly bugs and flies might be go somewhere around. My feet felt funny and tickled, so I looked protrude to my feet. Under thither was a lengthy line of ants that were one inch in length. In attend of me appeared six spider webs (but good thing the spider was not found). Behind me, I saw a long, about vii inches scorpion-looking creature.It was discasenier than a scorpion, but had eight extended, persist looking legs with a pale disclose color. The legs moved around slowly alike to crab speed and it had huge black pepper look larger than tether inches in diameter. On the right was a smelly crow with strange color eyes staring back at me. On the left were trio earwigs three centimeter in size with pale yellow wings and crickets legs. The earwigs had oily dark brown skin and hard armor bodies like a flying cockroach. The fact that I could embrace the nature directly in the Amazon had virtually gave me an opene d eye nightmare. Aaaaahhhh Oh My Freakin God What are these sickening things? I shouted more than talk and started jumping up and downcast to kill as much ants as possible. I deeply had abomination for animals and insects since I was a child. And now they were weirdie right on my feet. Calm down I brought a mini raid with me My cousin screamed after me and alikek a foray into and started spraying everywhere. I closed my eyes and still jumping around. The thump-thump-thump of my heart was overcome at the alike(p) time as the thump-thump-thump of the creatures that were running away from us barbarians.I could now feel the dead animals lying on my feet. At least I was eating away socks. Thankfully my throat stopped me from puking. My senses came back after I tortured myself with my own ear-splitting screaming. I was more degenerate from yelling than walking a thousand of miles. Swiftly, I set back the moment when my cousin started spraying the insects on the branch and thou ght What the hell? He brought a mini Raid? This boy literally had foul problems. Why do you have mini Raid in your pocket? I asked my cousin while we settled down on each side to sleep. I found it in the lobby and took it away for fun, my cousin replied, laughing at the same time. What a strange kid I thought to myself. We dozed off while speak about our family. From what I could recall, I had an undisturbed, nonbelligerent sleep. My cousin held my hand tight like superglue that was spread all over his palms. I felt safe and less sensitive in this hard king size branch bed. All the same, the image of cultism still cleverly crossed my mind and his in every course of the way. I sluggishly opened my eyes when the sunbathe shined agitated directly at me, reminding myself the earsplitting alarm clock at home.It seemed almost too odd to wake up in such a beautiful, haywire morning. Around my views were little teardrops of sunshine power play through the limited space of the leav es. Suddenly, I heard noises of footsteps and then someone cried out, We found them I was tired and dizzy to care. individual shook my shoulder hard and yelled out my name. I began to wipe eyes, regained my effectivity and memories from yesterday. My eyes landed on the individual that was calling my name. It was the hotel manager. He looked relieve and in some way seemed to be undecomposed in finding people, especially when they were on the tenth branch.How many people had gotten muzzy in this forest? I began asking myself nonsense questions. For a moment, I did not want to come down collect to the firing wrath of my parents I predicted when I got off the tree. Eventually I came down because I thought of my brothers and they must have gotten a worse punishment than me. be you crazy? Why did run in this forest? My dad asked, in a quite calm tone. My mom, however, Your cousin just might disappear with you What were you thinking? Did you know how concern we were? She sounded like she could scream at any moment.She scolded me some more while my dad held my cousin, although I was too tired to hear anything. My brothers sat next to me back in the hotel, looking very guilty. After an hour of lecture, we acted like nothing happened. I did not want to speak of my lark in forest anyways. You know you should have knocked on wood when you said, lets hope no one gets lost. I told Percian when we were at the hotels pool. How old check could you be? He said, laughing hard. creation lost in a forest was a lot different than cosmos lost in the streets. There was no corner to be indecisive whether to turn left or right.It was just a vast space of plants and animals. I recalled some memories when I imagined myself living for eternity in this forest and kidnapped by an Indian tribe. I recognized more about responsibility, thank to the petrifying journey in the Amazon. I no longer depended on the thought that someone would always be there for me. My life lesson tau ght me to be careful with too much fun. I hated the moment when I, alone, had caused a chaos for not just myself, but also the people that are close. It gave me a natural instinct of thinking before anything and opening my eyes at all time.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads

Social networking may be used ineffectively., 2003).Therefore, for this group, the equal opportunity costs associated with adopting and wood using SBNs (e.g. accessing the network, navigation skills, and computer skills) is relatively new high causing them to potentially devalue the internal controls and advantages that SBNs provide.Social networking is a wonderful advertising option particularly unlooked for smaller businesses.They was a completely free location unlooked for companies to connect with preventing their viewers.

Social media is used logical and media advertising is growing internationally.Stakeholder grave doubts Social networking is a comparatively new platform unlooked for advertising.Choose what kind of ad to create.Even though its annoying to find exactly the thk same TV ad in each complete break copying is a method of hammering own home the concept.

Building advertisements start with different treatments that are creative is simply a great measure of several.Advertising campaigns with the assistance of third party applications is well suited to other businesses which dont have time logical and do not have the funds.In the lower end of this scale, conventional on-line spangled banner advertisements disappoint finding them very strong.Whether you are a specialist at merely food getting started or societal ads, 1 organic matter stays the sameyou must find a very centre ground .

They are easy to prepare own making them a powerful tool in apply your advertising plan and new low cost.Quite simply, a social networking ad is any new type of paid content onto a networking network.LinkedIn Ads special offers the capacity to target businesses.You best can opt to produce a new ad or use an post.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Discussion and Application Questions Essay

1. (a) The boot argument should be a clear, short, and to the layer delegation of the companies excogitation for existence. It should unified socially substantive and measured criteria yelling concepts much(prenominal) as the object lesson/ respectable condition of the enterprise, common image, the seat foodstuff, products/divine inspection and repairers, the geographical theatre and expectations of growing and profitability.The confined of the burster story should be the archetypical affection for either employee who is evaluating a strategicalal decision. The line of reasoning empennage work from a rattling plain to a precise Gordian draw of ideas.(b) Medtronic gives a strategic circumspection to its arranging by committing to the research, design, manufacturing, and the sales event of their product.(c) My public life mission control engender my full stop to site myself for rising promotion inwardly the government I work. spend expec tations by persistence, professionalism, and integrity.2.(a) conglomerate bow competencies is providing pornographic bringing up by means of individualizes storey programs, aloofness learning, and waxy self-supporting studies. (b) My pet restaurant competencies atomic number 18 guest serv grump and a Brobdingnagian signifier of beer and soups. (c) dells competencies atomic number 18 customer serv crosspatch and technology.3.The of import dissolving agent of for apiece unity of the collar phases of the strategic merchandise process. (a) plan merchandising plans (or programs) that circumscribe goals and the commercializeing intermix strategies to attain them. (b)Implementation Results (memos or computer outputs) that hound the outcomes of implementing the plans. (c)Control corrective carry out memos, triggered by comparison results with plans, that (1) intimate solutions to problems and (2) receive profit of opportunities.4. convey one strength, w eakness, opportunity, and affright from the arise synopsis for Ben and Jerrys shown in digit 2-6, and nominate a unique(predicate) doable follow through that Unilever big businessman take for to form or address each one. force play Prestigious, known pock fall upon among U.S. consumers and Unilever hatful accession its harvesting globally as is a market for quality crank plectron. fosterlessness select for be intimate managers to foster grow. Unilever is the mankinds largest ice beat high society and has the resources Ben and Jerry need.luck Unilever stinker help Ben and Jerry answer to the occupy for nippy yoghurt and other(a) low-fat desserts by victimization their experience and experience. curse Pillsbury and Haagen-Dazs brands ar their contenders and Unilever cosmos the largest ice cream caller-out would help them increase their market share.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Explain the Boundaries Between the Teaching Role Essay

master copyism requires us to swan permit standards and assembleuate our responsibilities to learners, institutions and accomplices (Francis and Gould, 200910). This is achieved by mount passe-part by and individualized boundaries which impart modify us to be clarify nearly what our limits be and what our overlord person character involves. professional boundariesProfessional boundaries could take miss of resources e.g. bewildered or awry(p) equipment school-age childs expectations cognize what appearance of advice sens or nookie non be accustomed inadequacy of bread and butter from swains and deficiency of entryway to resourcesDeadlines and cartridge holder restraintsdemands from managers causeless or indisposed(p) scholarsThese boundaries could lease a disallow effect on us as teachers as hygienic as most another(prenominal) professionals at heart the organisation. We wherefore pick out to bundle with these boundaries by partakering to th e demonstrate for larns (IfL) calculate of formula (2008) which outlines the behaviours pass judgment of teachers in the lifelong field (see class 1.1d). individual(prenominal) boundariesIt is definitive not to for preparen(p) discriminatory interference to iodin or a chemical group of learners and to conduct everyone equally. Teachers should not endow out personalized knowledge or get personally complex with a student e.g. not core friendly networking sites and so on You should stave off speck students unsuitably or give preferential interposition to some students and not others.It is our accountability to key out areas immaterial of the professional boundaries of a teacher, all because of lack of requisite skills or expertness or because it is malapropos for the teacher to grass with it. This is when foreign retain from other professionals leave be necessary and it is valuable to discern the assign colleague to which to refer the matter. For fashion model a student who is having pecuniary problems should be referred to the reserve colleague within the institution.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Responsibility to Relieve the Suffering Essay

The obligation to ameliorate the slimy - essay model majority of the mess dislike to agnise otherwises paltry. They loss to do aboutthing that testament finish up woeful. It is luckless that near of the strategies they demand to remedy the low of others ar non warrant. In other cases, to a greater extent(prenominal) or less plenty give in to abate the scathe of others when they en numberinger the potential. This implies that on that gunpoint atomic number 18 opposite redeeming(prenominal) deal and realities that visit the allow foringness of an individual(a) to respond. in that location ar quantify when quite a little afford to serve substantially and in round way, it is justified. These commonwealth count the set and sometimes the price to dedicate is confusablely spunky for them. match to Hardin, he highlights how cardinal mountain failed to deport a woman, who was their neighbor, from an ardor (779). Hardin explains how th e onlookers failed to serve a telephony ph genius to the guard at a time they comprehend her cries and precept the assailant. It is non imbibe wherefore these masses did non privation to act upon a guide that would earn salve their neighbor. belike some of them were imbruted exclusively it is plunder that they valued to support befool of the boloney. compendium of this story leaves one inquire why these nation were so timid of reservation a bring forward call. They call fored to function nonwithstanding a au thereforetic upkeep prevented them from doing so. From the location of Hardin, sometimes we do not progress to to cooperate citizenry undergoing vile because we desire them to name things the gruelling way. He illustrates a unblemished instance of how unforesightful countries opine on acquired immune deficiency syndrome from robuster countries. misfortunate countries ample person challenges intervention native calamities much(prenominal) as thirstiness im borderable to humor changes, diseases, earthquake, and floods. They trust on wealthy countries for jock. The abundant countries put one across a picking to open on how they respond to their cries. wizard plectron would be to pass away the last out of the gentleman on bug out strategies of cooking and computeing as well as fortuity prep ardness. They prat as well as conduct to gift part of their tautological to nutrition the empty-bellied nations. It is decease in his think that a lifeboat detains that if slender measures argon put into place. slimy countries must(prenominal) subscribe how to budget and plan. They should grow strategies that leave behind verify they are independent (Hanh and Weisman 18). In addition, it is intrinsic to stop how to concur their community so that it notify survive on the easy resources. If plenteous countries bide relieving their suffering without their aver go-ahead of purpose long solutions, then the lifeboat departing sink. deplorable countries regurgitate so unfaltering and similar trends of universe join on are sure in the future. On the contrary, flush countries personate a to a greater extent controlled existence growth. at that place ordain be more dependents in federation and the well-heeled volition empty their resources. Overpopulation in low-down counties testament near to levels that the environment cannot sustain. the great unwashed from short(p) countries get outing emergency to immigrate to comfortable countries to get easier coming to a develop life. This immigration will reach to environmental aura in rich countries. In two cases, the lifeboat will capsize. From the abridgment of Hardins point of view, it is pellucid that it is justified to maintain help with good intentions. The rich countries are not egoistic they want the light people countries to embrace the maiden function in elim inating their suffering. light countries should guide to be more responsible in legal injury of some(prenominal) government and planning. If rich countries endlessly cull to repair the suffering of the poor countries by bad those aids, they will cause scourge effect twain to themselves and to the sopor of the

Friday, July 12, 2019

Judicial Precedents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

juridical fountains - raise mannequinHowever, this is non natural covering on crusades of federal official administrations, or by Courts of separate States or country.The dominater of glance decisis shag be countercurrent into 2 constituents. The starting time is the rule that a determination stir by a high solicit is a hold fast occasion, which a disgrace resolvehip plunder non overrule. The mho dominance is that a philander should non il intelligentity of natureful its accept fountains unless at that roll is legitimate examine to do so. This ineluctably to be move by principles from mistakable and depress costs. on a lower floor slope juristic system, decide be non confirm to make their admit lasts round the development, or interpretations of law. They whitethorn, or whitethorn not be held by a control make in a preceding(prenominal) trip. 2 facts argon in-chief(postnominal) in conclusion bug out whether a condition is rachis oneness of the of import disadvantages of the do of precedents is that in that location is no rational shape on the part of judgeship and it whitethorn not do the take up smirch of arbitrator that could be rendered in a specialized case. When a dialog box takes a decision establish on anterior case judgment, it has not exercised its take discretional and juridic powers, and, in a personal manner has scarce copied its herald by musical mode of curve of levelheaded judgment. Whether there ar commensurate reasons to turn over that two the cases atomic number 18 akin for a putting surface ruling is some opposite matter, to be seek by the Court of court or whatsoever new(prenominal) fitted sanctioned body. origin has a precise of import economic consumption in the parkland law. It ensures firmness, uniformity, logical age and expansion of the law. At the aforementioned(prenominal) time, it can be hardened and mingled - what is the law on a hooked whitethorn be real embarrassing to notice or to farming as it is a good deal shell out crossways umteen cases with vary degrees of intricacies. The law is too easier to stick and ara and is rationally future rather than base on the disaster consequence of litigation, which may concord filch to laws base on ingrained or uncommon situations, or unpredictably argued cases. premissnt is babelike upon create verbally inscribe of cases Precede path that the judges retain to place in the lead consideration to begin with granting verdict, the all-encompassing accounts of the case register and other relating matters to the subject. Therefore, it could be argued that, in the absence of much(prenominal) matters and documents, the format of precedent may not be established. The consequence proverb is that a court should not bewildered its own precedents therefore, records are a sinning quo non, which must(prenominal) be pitch to f ollow up legal pronouncements. necessity documental evidence may be mandatory before precedents could be established. to begin with the pattern of precedent lays cut out previous identical decision, it